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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Gracious Hospital-i-Tea Blog-A-Thon--Week 3

This week. . .
. . .you are invited to join in the Gracious Hospital-i-Tea Blog-a-Thon. You are welcome to use the Gracious Hospital-i-Tea button above on your blog to link your readers to others who have posted in this meme. The topic for week three is:


Share ideas and pictures that incorporate tea and/or tea themes into home decor. Displays, art, prints, fabrics, and collection all count in this category. Do you use teapots and teacups as a part of your home decor? If so, describe how.
My Decor-a-Tea:

My Royal Albert Old Country Roses Tea Set on display in my dining room:

A wreath on my dining room wall:

A little vignette on a table in my bedroom, displaying my collection of children's tea sets:

On a shelf over my bed--a child's hand-painted tea cup:

My Rose Tea Set from Fitz and Floyd displayed in my bedroom during the summer:My favorite tea set--an antique hand-painted Bavarian tea set displayed in my bedroom last spring. I hope you enjoyed a few of my favorite things! I hope to see some of yours this week!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Gracious Hospital-i-Tea Blog-A-Thon

I was blog-hopping yesterday and found Gracious Hospitality's blog. She is having a fun blog-a-thon you might want to check out. It encompasses several weeks of blogging about various tea-related subjects. This is the end of week two and the theme is Litera-Tea. I signed up and will write about my favorite Tea book today. Weeks to come will center around: Decor-a-Tea, Stitches-for-Tea, Dressed -to-a-Tea, The Sweet-and-Savory -of-Yummy, and more. This is going to be so much fun! If you want to participate, hop on over to her blog and sign up!
My favorite tea book is When Friends Gather for Tea by Sandy Lynam Clough. This is a book about Sandy's Tea Society and features her beautiful artwork and wonderful recipes. It touched my heart because it combines my three passions in life: sewing, tea and serving others. Here's a brief synopsis:

Sandy's Tea Society is a group of friends who have developed very special friendships by delighting one another with creative ideas and a warmth of kindness at their tea parties. The six ladies open their hearts and homes and share with each other their original fashion styles, tea party themes, special recipes, and thoughtful acts of kindness. As the book unfolds a tea friendship quilt becomes an important theme. Chapters include each member's tea that she has planned: a "Welcome New Neighbor" Tea, a "Thank You, Teacher" Tea, a "Wishing You Well" Tea, a "Heart of a Mother" Tea, a "Wishing You Blue Skies" Tea, and a "Loving Hands" Tea.

In Sandy's words: "It is the tea society's dearest hope that their example of friendship will encourage other ladies to join together to take tea and to build true friendships."

And it has!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

MMP Fun Night in Chicago

Has it really been a week and a half since I returned from Chicago? I can't believe it's been that long! We had so much fun together. I never wanted it to end...

Here's a rundown of the evening:

After a Wine and Cheese Reception at the Country Living Event, we headed back to the Brownstone. Once there, we ordered Chicago-style Pizza and got ready for our Outrageous Tiara Contest to begin. Weeks before, Joyce had given us a challenge to design an outrageous tiara to wear in a tiara pageant. The prize--a gorgeous ring shaped like a tiara, sparkling with diamonds:

It was so much fun coming up with an idea! Being from Texas and the resident pink Tea Queen, mine just had to reflect those I came up with a Cowboy Hat Tea Tiara:

I didn't snap many pictures, but there are many in other MMP blogs this week. Hope you will hop over to the MMP blog to see a few more!

The 4 Finalists: Christine, Michelle, Francie, and (you can't see her) Cathy

Michelle from Rose Petals and Blooms won the ring. Her Tiara was almost 3 ft. high and lit up! She deserved to win! Congratulations, Michelle!

After the Tiara Parade and contest, we brought out wrapped gifts for a Yankee Swap Pamper-Me-Pink Gift Exchange. It was a blast! The favorite gift was a huge basket of chocolates from a Chicago chocolate store. I thought we were going to have to call the police over that one! I had #1 and could have had it Cathy, but didn't know how I was going to carry it back on the plane... I should have thought of shipping it home! Cathy did!
Sharon and Cathy fighting over the basket. (Joyce , Lily, and Cindy are just innocent by-standers!)

We had lots of laughs that faded into girl talk until the wee hours. A few hours of sleep and then it was time to head home. It was hard saying goodbye. We have been talking on the forum at MakeMinePink daily for so long. It felt like we had known each other forever....

Many thanks go out to Joyce Lucas and her family (Jim, Sarah, Katie and baby Lily) for all the planning and work that went into this gathering. It was a most memorable experience. Pink Bear Hugs to you all!
Until next time...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Country Living Women Entrepreneurs--Part 3

When I left off last, I had just scratched the surface in telling you about all the wonderful speakers that were at the event. The afternoon was filled with women who are giants in the business world!

Nancy Soriano interviewed Anna Griffin in the first session. We learned how she got her start and how she grew her company into the successful, diverse company she runs today.

The MMP row --Lunch with a Leader

The second session was a panel discussion moderated by Susan Mernit (Blogger & YahooProduct Developer). The emphasis was on making the web work for your business. Panelists included Heather Bailey (, Beth Ferreira (Etsy, Inc.), Lena West (xynoMedia Technology), and Ann Fox and Donna King(Room Service Home). The information they shared about using the web to grow a business was invaluable. Topics of discussion included blogging, websites, web marketing and more. (Lena West's "Go Ugly Early" was the piece of advice that stood out in my mind. Don't wait for perfection-just get a website and start selling. Get your product out there before somebody else does!)

Session three featured Tamara Monosoff, founder of Mom Inventors, Inc. She was a fountain of inspiration and motivation! She gave us a brief history of her political background and how those experiences helped her get her first invention from her head into store shelves. Her focus was on growing a business from the ground up. She covered topics such as making a business plan, financing, product development, overcoming doubts and fears, goal-setting, PR and more. (Much of the information can be found in her 2 books, "The Mom Inventors Handbook" and "Secrets of Millionaire Moms".)

Georgia and Tamara

Michelle and Tamara

Finally, the last session of the day was the introduction of the 2008 Country Living Women Entrepreneurs. Each woman was introduced and then given an opportunity to tell her story. The founders of 8 companies were on stage and among them, the reason I had come at all, Joyce Lucas, founder of MakeMinePink and Cottage Collections. Each honoree had something vital to share and each was an inspiration, but I cannot tell you how my heart swelled with pride and joy as Joyce was introduced! The woman who has been my mentor and friend was onstage and I and 20+ other family members and MMP boutique owners, were cheering at the top of our lungs. (Sorry, Joyce, we couldn't help ourselves!)

Roxie,Dianne, Cathy, Carol, Gail, and Michelle--A small portion of The Make Mine Pink Fan Club!

When the day was over, while visiting over wine and cheese, I tried to sort out all the information that had been shared. I couldn't do it. There was so much I would be taking back with me. Almost a week has passed and I am still processing the advice... and will be for a long time. Was it worth it? You betcha!

On Monday: MMP Fun at the Brownstone!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today is my 50th Birthday!

I couldn't keep quiet any is my 5oth birthday! I am enjoying my day immensely and wanted to share 2 of the main reasons:

2 dozen roses from my sweet husband mixed with a dozen from my sweet mother and father-in-law...
and a beautiful poem written especially for me by my father:
A Sonnet For Karen
On Birthday Number Fifty
I can't believe that fifty years have flown
Since first I looked upon your newborn face
And in my arms, with love and joy and pride,
So gently cradled you there near my heart!
But here indeed you are---to mid-life grown---
A woman filled with talent, strength, and grace,
A wife and mother---by love qualified
To turn those roles into a work of art!
So fast this half a century's slipped by
While changes, seen and unseen, have occurred
Which we now pause to note ere we move on.
And from among them, this has caught my eye:
The grace of God, alive in you, has stirred
The hearts of many and helped faith to dawn.
---J.W. (Bill) Turner,
March 20, 2008.
# 1185.
(Happy, happy birthday, sweet daughter! Every day of your half century of life has brought joy and blessings to your mother and me. We thank God for you, and we pray that we shall have many, many more such days to share with you!)
[Copyright 2008 by J.W. (Bill) Turner. All rights reserved.]

More about Country Living's Women Entrepreneurs Event

CL editor, Nancy Soriano, interviewing Anna Griffin

When I last posted, I had just returned from the most incredible weekend I have ever had! I had spent the weekend in Chicago with some Make Mine Pink Sisters ( celebrating Joyce Lucas' being honored by Country Living magazine as a Woman Entrepreneur of the Year . The event was a half day of inspirational seminars with speakers Anna Griffin, Tamara Monosoff, and many other successful women. Addition, there were 9 women who were given the award (including Joyce) and each was given an opportunity to talk about their journey on the road to success. It was so inspiring and motivating! I am still thinking about and processing all the bits of advice that were given to us.

Pinkies congratulating Joyce!
(L-R: Michelle, Carol, Me, Joyce, Dianne)
Make Mine Pink display

But, before the seminars started, I had an opportunity, along with 3 other Pinkies, to participate in the Pitch Your Product portion of the event. In this segment of the weekend, selected applicants (75 out of 200+ applicants and, amazingly, all four of us from MMP who applied were selected!) were given 5 minutes to present an original product to the editors for consideration to be included in an upcoming issue of Country Living. It was exhilerating, scary, stressful, and fun! (And that is just a sampling of all the emotions I was feeling!)

My time slot was 8:30-9 AM, so I had to be there at 8:15 to check in. I was so nervous, but the staff was so friendly and and encouraging. They put me at ease and I was able to talk coherently (I hope!). I pitched my Tea Cup and Saucer Totes to Frances G. Bailey, Senior Editor of Decorating and Lifestyle.
Here's one of the five I took with me.

Dianne (Mama's Pocketbooks) pitched at the same time in another room, and Roxie (Business in The Bag) and Sharon (Cest Chouette) pitched their products a bit later. It was an incredible experience!

Afterwards, we grabbed some coffee and doughnuts and just hung out in the lobby--talking to other Pitchers and making new friends! (I'm not in this picture...)Sharon, Roxie, Dianne
(Breathing a sigh of relief!)
At 12 noon, the main event started and we spent the next several hours learning the ins and outs of being a woman entrepreneur. I'll post all about that tomorrow (I promise!)
Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chicago Trip (Country Living Woman Entrepreneur Event)

Good morning, Friends!

I am back from out Make Mine Pink trip to Chicago. It was awesome! I will start at the beginning and post as much as I can remember over the next day or two.

I flew in with Lori (Katie's Rose Cottage) on Thursday, since we both live in Dallas suburbs. We wanted to make sure we got there (flying stand-by), so we left a day early... She is a sweetie and I felt like I had known her forever. It was great to have a day to visit with her and some extra time to prepare for my CL Pitch! We stayed at a hotel near the airport and then hopped back over to the airport on Friday to meet more Pinkies and head to the brownstone we were all staying at together for the weekend.
Here's Roxie and me wearing our Outrageous Pink Tiaras in the airport (hoping for extra points towards the Tiara Contest on Sat. night!)
Once all the early flights were in, we all hopped in a cab and the fun began. When we arrived, Joyce Lucas and family were already at the brownstone to greet us. Need I say what the meeting was like? Hugs and squeals and laughter and more hugs! It was so nice to meet everybody face-to-face after 2 years!
Our brownstone!

Roxie, Dianne, Gail

After most of the ladies arrived, we headed down the street to grab some lunch at Corner Bakery and then do a bit of shopping. The brownstone was just 1 block from Michigan Ave and we had so much to do and see just a few steps away. The weather was great for this Texas girl--upper 40's and no snow. We were off to a great start!

Lake Michigan was just down the street!

Sharon, Roxie and Gail

Carol and Gail at the mall

These are just some photos of the great architecture in the area.

Friday night we all went out to eat at Chipotles and then headed back to the house to gab into the wee hours. It was a blast! I think we turned in at around 1:30am and tried to get some sleep. I don't think we got much--adrenaline was flowing amid all the excitement of being together and the Country Living Event on Saturday...

Tomorrow's post --Pitch Your Product and the awesome seminars!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More About Country Living Women Entrepreneurs

The Country Living Women Entrepreneurs Event is this Saturday, March 15. What I didn't mention was that there is a segment on Saturday morning before the seminar called Pitch Your Product. It is an opportunity to present an original product or service to a panel of CL editors for consideration for a feature in an upcoming issue. To participate, an application with photos and press packet are submitted. The editors review all the applications and select the products/services that they would like to give closer scrutiny. Those applicants are notified and are given a time slot to present their product or service in person. Each applicant has 5 minutes to pitch their product.

Four business owners from Make Mine Pink submitted applications. All four of us have been asked to Pitch: Roxie from Business In The Bag, Dianne from Mama's Pocketbooks, Sharon of C'est Chouette, and Me! Our spirits are high, presentations are ready, suitcases are almost packed. We are headed to Chicago to paint the town Pink!