Tuesday, May 07, 2013

A Vintage Mother's Day Tea

Mother’s Day.  Although it has its roots in honoring the mothers who lost sons in the Civil War, this special day has evolved into a celebration for honoring and remembering all mothers. On May 8, 1914, the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.  Since then, special  customs have become associated with the day—sending greeting cards, giving carnations or other flowers, offering handmade or purchased gifts, going to church, taking mom out for lunch.  Each family has its own traditions, but all have one goal—to celebrate someone we call “Mother”.

In my life, I was doubly blessed.  God gave me a second mother when I married my husband almost 28 years ago.  Although both are gone, this year I honor those most precious gifts--my two mothers and celebrate the bond that I have with my own daughter. You are cordially invited to attend a Vintage Mother's Day Tea.

As I began to plan this special Mother’s Day Tea, sweet memories from my childhood flooded over me.  One Mother’s Day in particular stands out among the rest.  1964.  I can still see my mother, dressed in her prettiest dress, wearing gloves, a pillbox hat adorned with flowers, and a corsage of roses, as we prepared to go to church.  I can still smell her perfume and hear her voice.  I remember the pride I felt in surprising her with the first gift that I had bought (together with my brother) with my own money.  I wanted to capture the essence of that day.  And so began the search through my china cabinet, bedroom, and linen closet for a few of the treasures that she loved and were passed down to me—a hat, her dresser tray and perfume bottles, a favorite table cloth, her celluloid jewelry case, a crystal vase, her wedding china, and a collection of mismatched teacups. As I step back and survey the table, I think I have succeeded.  My fondest wish is that you will find inspiration to host your own special celebration as you enter my dining room…


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