Sunday, May 08, 2011

Tea In Texas

The May/June issue of Tea in Texas has just arrived.  What a wonderful cover!  I always enjoy the travel articles--they are always about places that are close to my heart and an enticement to take a weekend trip.  A nice addition this month is a new feature, 2011 Best Tea Products.  Imagine my surprise when I spotted my Afternoon Tea Society ( a subscription tea party service) listed!  Wow!

If you live in North Texas, be sure to make plans to attend the 2011 Texas Tea Affair in Richardson on June 5.  I attended last year with my daughter and we had a wonderful time!  This year's featured speaker is author Millie Coleman, who will speak on the History of American Tea Rooms.  There will also be a cooking demonstration by chef Carol Landers on Decadent Teatime Desserts.  Finally, the event includes a chocolate and tea tasting  and a Full Afternoon Tea.  Need I say more?  For tickets and more information, call 832-922-9335 or email  I hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. This is really different & unique - I love tea cosies and you never see them any more - well done - my Mum used them alot. Gorgeous blog - Feel welcome to visit me any time :)
    Jenny @ French A La Beach
