Saturday, October 30, 2010

One year later

One year ago today, my father called in the wee hours of the morning to tell me that my mom had passed away. A few hours later, I was on an airplane headed to Houston. We buried my mom on Monday. On Tuesday I was asked to speak at another memorial service the following day. What I wrote was an attempt to capture the essence of who she was. She was everything I said, but try as I might, I could not find the words to express who she was to me. She was my Mom. She gave birth to me. Held me. Nurtured me. Fussed at me. Bragged about me. Nagged me. Encouraged me. Questioned me. Advised me. Taught me. Cried with me. Laughed with me. Hugged me. Butted heads with me. Sacrificed for me. Loved me…unconditionally.

It’s been a year and my heart still hurts from the hole that she left.
And from
     questions I cannot ask her;
          things I cannot tell her;
               hugs I cannot give her…yet.

But someday we will be together again…and then I will.

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