Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Custom Tea Party Planning

A Bon Voyage Tea

Do you need help planning a special tea party? Perhaps your best friend’s landmark birthday is in 2 months and you want to surprise her with a special celebration. Or, you have volunteered to host the end of semester social gathering for your Bible study group. Or, your niece is getting married in a few months and you want to host the Bridal Tea Party in your home. You have had tea parties before, but you want this one to be an event she will always remember. You just don’t know where to start.

I can help. Think about the “before” and “after” photos in magazines. Room makeovers on HGTV. The cake design contests on Food Network. A plain dress goes from frumpy to fabulous with just a few accessories. A room with white walls is transformed with a coat of paint and decorator touches. A plain cake becomes a work of art with a few tubes of decorator icing. Whether it’s a dress, a room, or food--presentation is everything. It’s the details that make the difference.

Let me design a custom tea party plan with the details that will turn your tea party into an “affair to remember.”

For more information, visit my website at and click on the Custom Tea Party Planning page on the lower left side bar. (If you would like to see photos and a sample plan, have a look at A Bridal Tea Party just above the Custom Tea Party page.)

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