Monday, July 05, 2010

Tea In Texas

I just received my copy of the July/August issue of Tea In Texas, a regional tea magazine that I advertise in. As a new advertiser this spring, I was given an opportunity to be interviewed and have a short write-up to introduce my shop to the readership. I asked if I could submit an article in lieu of the interview. When permission was granted, I put the finishing touches on a tea party plan that I had been working on and hired a photographer friend to take professional photographs. (I have always done my own photography, but this opportunity called for something a bit better!) I submitted everything to the editor and hoped that she would publish at least part of it with a couple of the photos. A month went by and I didn't hear from her, so I began to wonder if she was going to use it at all...

The publication date came and went with no word. Last week I finally got up the nerve to ask my ad rep. if she had heard anything. She said that the issue was published and that she was waiting for her copies to arrive for distribution to her clients. She called back near the end of the week to say that the box had arrived and my article "was on page 12 and was very pretty". We agreed to meet at a nearby tea room so that I could get a few advance copies. I held my breath and hoped for the best. When she handed me a magazine opened to page 12, my heart skipped more than a few beats and my breath was taken away. There before me was a 2-page spread of my complete plan, White Lace and Promises--A Bridal Tea Party, and several photos, all enhanced by lovely ribbon and rose graphics. "Very pretty" does not even come close--it is gorgeous!

I'm not sure if my feet will ever touch the ground again...


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    This is so breathtaking Karen..just the kind of article I love to read.Everything you do is so pretty!
    Kathy L

  2. Congratulations, Karen! I am so proud of you!
    It looks splendid! I can't wait to get my copy and show everyone that I know this talented lady!


  3. Karen, Congratulations !! It's lovely .... as always.
