Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sweet Necessi-Teas Afternoon Tea Society

Planning tea parties is what I love to do. Even before a party plan is finished, I am thinking about the next one. And so, last month, when I began to think about a theme for my next tea party, I ventured out one afternoon in search of inspiration. As I went from one antique shop to the next, I noticed that every piece I was drawn towards had one thing in common—roses. Suddenly a thought came to me: Tea and roses—like Tracy and Hepburn-- just seem to belong together. And just as quickly as the thought took shape, I knew what the theme of my next tea party would be… roses.

That settled, I began to think about the mood and setting. What I pictured in my mind was an elegant tea party set in an English rose garden. I purchased a few items, then scoured my attic, cabinets and shop storeroom for the rest. Everything came together seamlessly, with one exception—the rose garden setting. The location I had planned on using is filled with early-blooming antique rose bushes. By the time I had everything ready to photograph, the blooms were gone. So, instead, I moved the party to my dining room and created an indoor rose garden tea. And, I was not the least bit disappointed in the results!

Ready to host your own rose garden-themed tea party? Pull out your linen, china, silver, and crystal. If you have a rose garden, you may want to set up outside, weather permitting. Ask your guests to wear a rose-trimmed hat just for fun. Keep the food simple and be prepared to enjoy the day!

This tea party plan was available for purchase by members of the Sweet Necessi-Teas Afternoon Tea Society in July. Not a member? Visit www.SweetNecessi-Teas .com and click on the Afternoon Tea Society category on the left sidebar for more information. Next month's plan will be for a Bon Voyage Tea. You won't want to miss this one!

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