Saturday, May 08, 2010

Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.

For the first time in 52 years,
I have no Mother--
no one to buy a card for,
no one to call.

I have no flowers to send,
no meal to prepare,
no surprises to plan,
no "I love you, Mom" to say.

Not just one mom gone,
but both--
Mom first, then Barbara.
How did this happen?

It wasn't supposed to be like this--
both gone
within just a few months
of each other.

No time to grieve
or get used to the thought
of no Mom...
and the other was gone.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day
and I wish that they
both were here.

I miss you, Mom.
I miss you, Barbara.
Happy Mother's Day...and
thank you for being my moms.

May, 2010


  1. Hello - your post made me teary - I know just what your heart is going through... I am missing my mom and grandmother terribly! Your note was so sweet! Hope you are doing well! Love, Bari (from Albuquerque)

  2. Oh precious Karen ~ I am so sorry to hear that your mother in law has passed away also ~ Wow life is so fleeting and at times it is hard to understand what God has planned for us and why He plans it the way He does ~
    I miss you ~
