Wednesday, April 07, 2010

A New Spring Look!

Spring is in the air! Daffodils and irises are blooming, the redbuds and pear trees are putting on their spring show of bright pink and white respectively, the grass is starting to turn green. I even have a few roses on my rose bushes. The drabness of winter is gone and everything looks fresh and new.

I, too, have been feeling the need to refresh and renew. First, I re-worked my Dress Tea Cozies and Tea Cup Covers. I added more lace and additional embellishments to make them more Victorian in style.

Next, I looked for a way to refresh my Rose Tea Cozies and Rosebud Tea Cup Cozies. I used a bit of soft sculpture to give them more dimension. A fun new detail is the clear bead used in sculpting the rose that adds a dew-kissed look. And, I am now offering a butterfly pin that can be pinned on to add a touch of whimsey!

I have been so happy with these changes that I am looking for more things to spruce up. If you haven't been by the shop in awhile, I hope you'll pop in soon and browse awhile.
PS Both cozy styles can be found in the "Designer Tea Cozy" category.

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