Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We had a winter storm on Christmas Eve and for the first time (at least since we moved here in 1985) had a White Christmas in Dallas. It was beautiful!

The storm slowed things down and my family had time to reflect on the true meaning of the day and how richly we have been blessed. Though this has been a hard year with the loss of my mom and my dear mother-in-law's battle with cancer, we are mindful that we have much to be thankful for.

I want to take a moment and say thank you to my dear customers for your business. I look forward to serving you again in 2010.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Hattaway Family and Sweet Necessi-Teas


  1. Hi Karen,

    Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Yup, it is.

    Please join me in my very first "Amour Valentine Swap". It's going to be easy, peezy and so much fun.

    Just drop on over to my blog for the details, then send me an email if you'd like to participate. The more the merrier.



  2. Karen ~
    That is a wonderful family picture and your home looks beautiful ! That snow was crazy !
