Sunday, November 15, 2009

Relta, My Mom

Who was she?

Wife and Help Mate

Pastor’s Wife

Advocate and Activist for the oppressed and downtrodden
Prayer Warrior

Nature Lover

A child of the Great Depression
A victim of childhood oppression and abuse

She battled and overcame cancer twice,
endured several serious illnesses,
struggled with depression,
and lived with severe back pain for the last few years of her life.

Her life was not easy. Yet, she was not bitter or angry with God.
She always had a smile on her face and a kind word for everybody she came in contact with. She enjoyed the little pleasures in life. She loved to laugh. She loved her family and her friends.

She gave her life to Christ when she was 16 and felt the call to missionary service. Though she served in a formal capacity for only 2 years (as a teacher in Dulac, LA), she never lost sight, nor tired of fulfilling her calling in life.

Who was my mom?

She was the hands and feet of Christ. In the end, she, like Paul, could say: “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”

And, when she left this world in the wee hours on Oct. 30th, I have no doubt that Jesus greeted her with “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


  1. Karen, this was so touching, and I know it was an emotional thing to write. Your mother knows your heart and she is watching over you with great joy and pride, for you are also all those things she embodied. I have waited to write to you because it just broke my heart so much, losing ones mother is the hardest thing for me to speak to and the grief I feel for my own loss over 38 years ago just seems to double when someone I love goes through this. I have few words but much compassion. I know this sorrow and it is immeasurable, but God does give us comfort. I know He is your source for that comfort. I miss you my friend. We're so busy, but hopefully we can carve out some time to stay in touch more often. Much love and huggs to you Karen!

  2. That was simply beautiful.
    I've been a long time lurker on your blog, but just wanted to tell you how touching that was. May the Lord be with you during this time, and may you feel the peace that can only come from Him.
