Monday, September 21, 2009

Fundraising Opportunity Update

The final touches are in place!

Please have a look at the online Tea Party Fundraiser category to see the products that are available for your group to sell. If your group would like to take orders, the Hostess a Tea Party option is best. Just click on "Tea Party Kit" from the product list to order a kit. Remember, your kit purchase price will be deducted from your tea party order of $150 or more.

If your group is hosting a large tea event, you can order product to sell at the event. (Hint: To increase sales, use some of the products as part of your table decor and/or give away an item as a door prize.) If you need product photos for advertising, please contact me and I will be happy to send high resolution photos via e-mail. Remember, large orders need to be placed by early October for a December event.

The #1 question from groups since my announcement: How much can our group earn? Up to 35%, based on the size of the order.

Fundraising has never been so easy! I look forward to partnering with your group soon.

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