Wednesday, April 29, 2009

World Tea Expo

It's time. I leave tomorrow for Las Vegas and World Tea Expo. The boxes full of product and display items have been shipped ahead. My list of last minute details is growing shorter by the minute. All that is left is to pack my suitcase and get on the plane.

Last March (2008), I was at the Country Living Women Entrepreneurs Event in Chicago, listening to speakers like Anna Griffin and Tamara Monosoff talk about their journey to success and wondering if I would ever be there. One of them (sorry, I can't remember which one) had us write down our dream for our business and share it with the person sitting next to us. (Do you remember that, Michelle?) I still have the notecard and look at it from time to hasn't changed. It's still my dream.

So what does that have to do with WTE? A lot! That CL event was the beginning of believing in myself enough to take the leap of faith from dreaming to doing. Joyce Lucas of Make Mine Pink had encouraged several of us to apply to the Pitch Your Product portion of the event. Four of us took the challenge and all four were selected to Pitch. Though none of us was selected to be featured in Country Living, it was a milestone moment. It took courage to stand in front of an editor and sell my product--courage I didn't even know I had. The seminars afterwards reinforced the idea that dreams can become realities.

One of the key phrases from the CL seminar was "Leap and the net will appear." A seed was planted and 4 months later I signed up for an exhibitor's booth at World Tea Expo. Then I began the search for a manufacturer for my line of products. It has been a long process, but they were right--I leapt and the net did appear. Philippeans 4:13.


  1. Karen ~
    What an exciting journey !! I am thrilled for you and can't wait to see your booth at the Tea Expo !!

  2. Karen, I'm so proud to be called your friend. I'm with you all the way as you soar to the sky with your business. I can't wait to hear all about WTE. I hope you get lots of pics, but most importantly, hope you come out of there with an amazing amount of orders that will keep on coming long after the expo.
    You deserve the success that you are about to embark on, you are a very talented and humble woman. You have inspired me to want to take the leap and sign up for a show also.
    Good luck, see you when you get back sweetie!!

  3. Karen..
    It's amazing to see you here at this particular place in your business journey. I feel proud, just like a Mama Bear. I'm proud of the challenges you've taken on and the determination to make this happen, despite obstacles in your path. If you walked away without a single order, you would still be a huge success Karen. Of course we know that with your design talent, you will be walking away with many orders to fill and starting even yet another journey.
    I wish you life changing success.
    Love, MB

  4. Yeah Karen! This is so exciting! What a great journey!

  5. Karen, I also remember writing our dream on that card! I still have mine. I am also on that path I wrote about. I didnt even have a website then! Its truly an amazing adventure and I cherish all of you soooo much. I wish you the best luck and much success. Your are going to do AWESOME. Your work is gorgeous! Best wishes and happy traveling... ((())) gail

  6. Karen, I am so proud of you taking this leap of faith and know you will really learn so much from this experience. I sure wish I could be at that Expo. We will all be with you in Pink spirit.
    The Polka Dot Rose

  7. Karen, I could not be any prouder! I am so happy and excited for you and I know your items are going to knock everyone out! Remember to breathe! I can't wait the hear every detail. Thank you too for reminding me of how excited and nervous we all were last year and look how far we have all come since then! I think we all took away that hope, belief and encouragement that or dreams could come true if we took the leaps. And they continue to come true beyond my wildest imagination!

    Break a leg CT!!

  8. Karen, I could not be any prouder! I am so happy and excited for you and I know your items are going to knock everyone out! Remember to breathe! I can't wait the hear every detail. Thank you too for reminding me of how excited and nervous we all were last year and look how far we have all come since then! I think we all took away that hope, belief and encouragement that or dreams could come true if we took the leaps. And they continue to come true beyond my wildest imagination!

    Break a leg CT!!
