Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Changes at Sweet Necessi-Teas

As you can see from the new header and banner, Sweet Necessi-Teas has a new look! I hope you'll take a minute and pop over to my website to see the changes and let me know what you think.
One of my customers wrote that she thought the new site was very pretty, but sort of missed the old one. Why the change?

As some of you know, I am expanding my business by adding a wholesale division. Don't worry--I will still have a retail business via the web, but would like to reach another market. There are many potential customers who do not shop on the internet--many do not even own computers. I can hear you saying, "What??? Not in this day and age!" But it is true. My goal is to have my products in tea rooms and gifts shops all over the country to reach those customers.

And, that brings us back to the question of "why the changes?" I have known for awhile that I needed to change the graphics to reflect what my business is really about. I decided that any changes that I wanted to make needed to take place before my wholesale division launch. I'll be ordering flyers, orderforms, postcards, etc. in preparation for The World Tea Expo in May where I will have a booth. After spending the money for the booth, I needed to make the most of my opportunity and "put my best foot forward" with a look that defines who I am.

I also came to realize that the website admin side needed to be updated to accomodate some of the changes. The system I was working with was old and out-dated and required a webmaster to do even the smallest changes. I needed a more user-friendly program that gave me more control. I was able to do both at the same time when I bought this new website. (How that came about is a story in itself.) So here it is: the new, improved Sweet Necessi-Teas.

Let me know what you think...


  1. Hi Karen - - - I love your new look!! Best of luck to you as you venture into wholesale. :O) Pink hugs - - Cindy O.

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Karen, It looks good. You've been a busy lady!
    Just wanted to let you know that I will be exhibiting at the tea expo too! Can't wait to see you again!

  3. Hello, Karen!

    I love the new look! You have such pretty things and you do such good work.

    Congratulations on the show and the wholesale division. I know you will do well!

    Hope I get out there to see it all!


  4. Hi Karen, Love the brighter colors and the new look. Wishing you the best of luck this year with your ventures : )
    Victorian Heart Shoppe
