Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank You

Dear Friends,

I want to thank each one of you for the kind thoughts and comments regarding my last post about Dixie. You will never know how my heart was touched to hear from so many of you--here on my blog as well as personal e-mails. The loss of my sweet little companion has been harder than I could have ever imagined and your support and encouragement was a balm for my broken heart.

I have been away for a week and am feeling better. My sweet husband has reminded me that a loss takes time to heal and that I will have good days and bad. He is right...


  1. (((Karen)))

    Still praying for you!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I, too have lost four legged family and the loss is great. Please remember the good times and how good of a guardian you are to put their needs above your own. I now have three and again one is 12 years old and having health problems so the time is coming but I will put her needs above my own and do what's best, although it is the hardest thing to do. You are so fortunate to be able to say that you had Dixie for your friend. My thoughts are with you and remember you are being thought of often.

  3. Karen ~ I haven't been able to read your post about Dixie yet ~ I cried and cried when I got your last email about her and just couldn't read it ~ I will eventually I think but I just can't right now ~
    I have been praying for you on your return home ~

  4. This is my first visit to your site and I must say that it took a while for me to get through your previous post regarding your sweet puppy. But after a few kleenex, I reread it and was so moved. I hope your recovery time is speedy and that all the sweet memories bring joy to your heart.

  5. Thanks for your visit to my blog page and God's blessings
