Monday, September 22, 2008

Show and Tell Monday

It's Monday--time for Show and Tell again!

I've just returned from the most awesome Make Mine Pink "Getting Down to Business" Retreat in Williamsburg, VA. I flew in on Thursday with my good friend, Lori from Katie's Rose Cottage. Once there, we met up with about 50 of our sweet and hilarious Pink Sisters and had the time of our lives! The weekend was filled with fun, great speakers, food, shopping, and more laughter than should be allowed! There were displays to set up and vote on (Eileen from Forget-Me-Not Dreams was the winner!), contests, games, chocolate, and networking when we were not in seminars. Words cannot describe how invaluable this trip was for my business and how glad I am that I went. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and have no pictures to show. But, the good news is that a professional photographer was on hand for the entire retreat and took a billion pictures (at least!). As soon as those are available, I will post a few.


NEW Products in my line:

Teapot Pillow--Romantically Roses

Dressed To A Tea Cozy--Romantically Roses


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM


    Love the new products, they are awesome. We sure did have a great time. I can hardly wait for the next time we can all get together.


  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    You forgot your camera? Such a momentous event? LOL!!! How excited were you, huh???
    Susan *dutchrose*

  3. oh,karen...that is such pretty fabric! just stunning!

    it was awesome to get to meet you and all of the other pinkies. i didn't take many pics either, even though i brought my camera. oh well...i figure alan could do a lot better than i could! heehee!

  4. Good to hear you had a really great time and enjoyed meeting all the other Pink Ladies and still had time to post a lovely pillow.

  5. Love that fabric. Nice addition to your line.
    I am so glad I got to meet you in person at the Retreat, miss you all already.


  6. That sounds like such fun Karen, glad you had such a nice time !! :) Your Dress cozy is absolutely darling !! Nice job !! :)

  7. Karen,
    Great new products, just beautiful! What a fun time you all must have had. Have a lovely week.

  8. Karen,
    I can not tell you how good it was to meet you at the retreat! Looking forward to doing it all again soon.

  9. Karen it was so wonderful to meet you and I loved your display! I'm looking forward to seeing you again next year.

  10. Hi Karen.. I love the yellow with the roses. I know you are going to do great in Vegas. I was so happy to see you again. It was so much fun. I hope you made your flt. I had a really hard time, but with some perserverence I made it,, via houston and el paso. LOL Take care,,, have a rest day. gail

  11. It was great to meet you Karen. Your Bra was beautiful, I love all your products, amazing work

  12. As always Karen, your work is outstanding! Sorry you forgot your camera, but at least we know it won't be YOU posting on YouTube! lol ;0] xoxo

  13. Hi Karen! It was so good seeing you again at the Retreat and your disply was lovely!

    Susie of The Polka Dot Rose

  14. The fabrics on the tea cozies are so pretty! The retreat was awesome wasn't it? It was nice to meet you there.

  15. Karen,

    I love your new products! They are just beautiful! Great to know you had a fun time at the retreat.
    Have a good week ahead!

    Pei Li

  16. I love that teapot shaped coosie.

  17. Hi Karen,
    It is so exciting to hear all about the Retreat....wish I could have gone...maybe next year. I cannot wait to see the pictures, too! Your new tea cozy and matching cup and saucer set is gorgeous.
