Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Musings

Last week I flew to Houston to spend a few days with my parents. They are in their 80's and I hadn't seen them in a few months, so I packed a bag and set out for the airport. I travel pretty light when I am going by myself, so I just had one carry-on bag with a few magazines tucked on top to read while waiting for my flight and flying.

Those who know me will be able to guess which magazines I took--Tea Time, Romantic Homes, and Victoria. When they arrive in my mailbox, I usually flip through each quickly, but never just sit down and read them right away. I love to savor each issue and usually try to carve out some quiet time with a cup of tea. My summer had been busy and the spare moments few, so I was looking forward to my time alone. When I arrived at the airport, I had a long trek to the gate, and after buying a drink and snack, didn't have much time before boarding. I decided to just wait until I boarded until I pulled one out...

Once I found my seat, I took out the one I had been waiting the longest to read--one that used to be my favorite--Victoria's Blue and White issue. The cover had a mention of an article by Jan Karon, author of one of my favorite book series about life in Mitford. But, as much as I wanted to go there first, I started at the very beginning. The photos were stunning, as always, and time passed quickly as I read the descriptions and articles. About halfway through the flight, I reached the one I had been waiting for on p. 94, "A Room of One's Own Jan Karon".

Victoria has for many years hightlighted the creative personal spaces of artists and writers. I knew it would be a piece about her writing space, accompanied by photos. What I didn't know was that it would touch my heart...

Jan began by describing the room in which she had written 5 out of the 9 books in the Mitford Series: "It was a terrific room of my own, where I felt quite free--even to write on the wall if I wanted to. And, of course I did." (pg. 95)

The three quotes, penned in Majic Marker on her wall:
"There are three stages in the work of God--Impossible. Difficult. Done." --James Hudson Taylor

"Whatever you would do, begin it. Boldness has courage, genius, and majic in it."--Goethe

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13

My heart skipped a beat, then began to pound in my chest, and my eyes filled with tears as I read and reread those words over and over again. Powerful words. Timely words. A gentle reminder from God that His timing is perfect. Hope for a situation that seemed Impossible...

that has now, a week later, become Difficult.

I am waiting patiently for Done!


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Oh, Dear One! I'm praying for your Done, too! God is so good and even when life's not fair ~ He's still good!
    Blessings and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Hi Karen....I loved that article on Jan Karon too. I sure hope your difficult situation is done soon.

