Monday, June 16, 2008

Show and Tell Monday at Make Mine Pink

It's Monday already! Where did the weekend go? I have been working on a very special, top-secret project. I guess it's time to share...And what better place than Make Mine Pink Show and Tell Monday!

I have been in business for almost 5 years now. If you have read my introduction, you know that I love tea and I love to sew. It has been a fun journey, using my God-given talents to design and create products that express both passions. Every textile product that has come out of my studio has been sewn on my sewing machine or with my needle and thread. Every apron, every tea cozy, every Tea Cup Tote, every skirt... I have loved every minute and every stitch.

For the last year, however, I have been receiving weekly inquiries from tearoom and tea gift shop owners wanting to purchase my products to sell in their shops. I have had to turn them down because I didn't have enough hours in a day to create the number of Tea Cup Totes (my biggest seller) or Cozies that would be needed.

I prayed about it and an opportuniy has come for me to expand my business by expanding my workforce. For the last 6 weeks, I have been working on my prototypes to send off to have production samples made. It has involved making patterns and writing pattern directions, gathering fabric samples, deciding which trims to use, and thinking through every detail. I finally finished last night. Today is the day.

This morning I will pack everything up and send it off. This is the day that I will step out in faith and trust the Lord to provide. My business started as a response to a need. He opened a door, let me grow, then closed it. A few days later, He opened another. And so it has gone for 5 years. He has been faithful in my past and I know He will provide in my future.

One of those closed doors led me to Joyce Lucas and Make Mine Pink two years ago. This present opportunity to grow my business came through her. So, I must say a personal thank you to Joyce for believing in me. You mentored me and encouraged me and pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Now I am ready... Thank you. (( ))


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I have great faith in this for you also Karen!
    Ofcourse I am biased, I want to carry your products!
    Blessings to you and that brown box.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I have great faith in this for you also Karen!
    Ofcourse I am biased, I want to carry your products!
    Blessings to you and that brown box.

  3. Now that is what I needed to read today! I am so excited for you and inspired by you. What a beautiful thing that box is all packed to go. It holds years of hard work and dreams coming true. All I can say is WOW!If you would like to carry hats. Let me know!LOL Go girl!I will be ending you my intro soon!Lilli

  4. Oh my goodness! This gave me goosebumps! I am so excited for you, Karen. It is so exciting to see you moving up to the next level. You are such an inspiration for those of us who are just starting our journey. You're in my prayers, Pink Friend, may this go as you hope it will.


  5. Anonymous2:08 PM


    I wish you nothing but the best in this venture. I can't wait to see what wonderful things lie ahead for you and your business. You are an inspiration.


  6. Karen,
    What a wonderful step for you and your business. I'm sure it will all work out. Congratulations on getting it all together and ready to go to the next step. Best wishes!!

  7. Anonymous3:08 PM

    How exciting to move into production! Keep climbing up!
    Susan (dutchrose)

  8. Oh Karen,
    What a wonderful story! I have been reading bits and pieces of your plan. Glad it has come together. You really do beautiful work.

  9. Way to go Karen! We are behind you all the way. Your work is just beautiful and all tea shops need to have Sweet Necessi-Teas!
    The Polka Dot Rose

  10. Hi Karen, what great news!!! I am so excited for your new business venture. I know its going to be great! Your faith is so strong, it will never let you down. I know what you mean about Joyce, without trying to sound corny, she is truly an angel on earth for all of us. she has opened doors for me that I will never be able to pay her back, except to become the success she wants for all of us and not let her down. Thanks for sharing your new dream!!! luv, gail

  11. What a beautiful story! I'm very excited for you, Karen! The endless possibilities and the opportunities to expand your business is just so exciting. Congratulations! I know you have worked very hard on it! I'm so inspired by your story.

    Pei Li

  12. Oh Karen,
    I am so happy for you. I pray the Lord will richly bless this venture you have certainly put your heart and soul into. Maybe you will have time to design to your hearts content in the near future.
    Theresa @ Cottage Violets

  13. Oh Karen, I am so happy for you. All the years of hard work are paying off. You are such an inspiration to us all! Best of luck taking it to the next level!


  14. Karen how exciting! I'm thrilled for you and know all your hard work, dedication, and love for our LORD will open more doors. I'm so proud to know you and thrilled you've made this decision to follow your dreams and your vision. God Bless! xoxo

  15. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Karen I am so unbelievably proud of you. You've always had that spark, the desire to learn and grow. I knew without a doubt that you would be one of the first to take this particular leap of faith. Hey.. you are a now a trendsetter!! How does that feel?

    I know this is the start of something really wonderful for.
    Love, MB

  16. Hi exciting! Your products will be a big success I'm sure....who could resist such lovely things. :)

    Pink hugs,

  17. yay, karen! congrats on taking this first step in the journey.

  18. Goose bumps of excitement for you Karen! This is wonderful and you truly deserve this for your beautiful creations! Yipeee!!!!!!


  19. Wow, Karen! Praise G-d! What a wonderful opportunity you have before you. I'm so happy & excited for you!

    Hugs, :)

  20. Hi Karen,
    I finally got a chance to catch up on all wonderful Show & Tell from Monday. You do such an amazing work and so deserve this, everything will turn out great and you will be so successful at the next level.
    Sisters Gift Company

  21. Karen,
    Somehow I missed visiting you on Monday and finding out this tremendous news. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for you and the growth of your business. You set a perfect example for all who enter into the world of selling their own products and giving the very best customer service.

    Best wishes to you on this new door that has opened. Congrats on having the courage to walk through!
    Pink Hugs,
